EVault Launches EVault Insight New E-Discovery Solution

Powerful, scalable technology enables corporations and law firms to simplify, accelerate, and reduce the cost of discovery

LOS ANGELES -- June 5, 2006 -- EVault, Inc.today introduced EVault Insight, a new offering for corporations and law firms looking to better manage electronic discovery for regulatory compliance, retention and litigation. The solution simplifies and reduces the cost of discovery by slashing cycle time and IT resource requirements.

EVault Insight is comprised of both a technology and a professional services component -- to ensure success and effectively address the needs of organizations that don't have extensive in-house IT staff.

EVault Insight offers both electronic file conversion and an online review service, speeding up the process of e-discovery by making relevant data quickly and easily accessible to firms tasked with reviewing and finding information pertinent to a case.

The new offering builds on EVault's strategy to provide end-to-end data management solutions and leverages its expertise in the legal sectors. EVault currently works with more than 250 law firms nationwide. Additionally, EVault Insight addresses a growing market need for e-discovery solutions.

Forrester Research estimates the average company creates at least a million messages each day; additionally, Forrester estimates approximately 90 percent of U.S. corporations are involved in litigation and roughly 20 percent of all companies are sued every year.

Yet according to EDD Information Exchange, an independent analyst firm focused on the electronic data discovery market, 86 percent of corporate legal departments say they lack the tools and processes to handle electronic discovery requests.

"Awareness of changing discovery rules, the proliferation of electronic data and the advent of stiff penalties for non-production and non-compliance, are forcing organizations to look for solutions to aid in their electronic discovery process," said Phil Gilmour, president and CEO, EVault, Inc. "In addition to meeting critical backup, recovery and archiving needs, we can now help corporations and law firms address this urgent need for easy, cost-effective e-discovery services."

EVault Insight provides two e-discovery services. EVault Insight File Conversion Service is ideal for firms and corporations with smaller review projects. EVault Insight provides fast, efficient file conversion services to TIF or PDF, the formats most commonly required by litigation-management software. Keyword searches and document de-duplication can be performed prior to conversion, reducing the overall document collection and saving the client time and expense.

The signature service provided by EVault Insight is the Online Review Service. This web-based, hosted document repository and review service allows a litigation review team to manage millions of documents from a secure website, accessible any time, from anywhere via the Internet. This easy-to-use web tool operates like popular search engines and quickly scales to changing needs of the client. The Online Review Service offers powerful tools for fast, efficient searches, including advanced keyword and concept search, customizable foldering, tagging, advanced reporting and security, as well as the creation of productions directly from the website.

EVault Insight customers also have support from an EVault Insight Advisor, who is assigned to their project from the onset to provide training, technical support and ensure project success. In this consultative role, the EVault Advisor provides expert support through an in-depth understanding of the customers' specific goals and needs.

As with every EVault product, EVault Insight offers state-of-the-art security to protect client data from system failures or outside intrusion via user authentication, data encryption and backup, firewalls and other security measures. For more information about EVault Insight -- and to learn about the company's online data backup, recovery and archiving solutions -- visit http://www.evault.com or contact an EVault expert at 877-382-8581.

About EVault

EVault is an expert in online backup and recovery solutions for more than 7,000 businesses. EVault meets the most stringent regulatory and security requirements with its solutions and services that include backup and recovery, data, e-mail and instant message archiving, e-discovery, and professional services for data protection planning, business continuity, and disaster recovery planning and testing. EVault's proprietary technology makes it easy to protect and recover critical data across a broad range of operating systems and applications.

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