Ipedo Launches Enhanced XQuery Views

New capabilities expand access and insight to corporate data, interoperate with XML storage in Oracle 10g, DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server

Redwood City, Calif., Jan. 24, 2007 -- Ipedo today announced major enhancements to the XQuery Views capabilities in Ipedo XIP. In conjunction with the W3C’s formal establishment of the XQuery standard, Ipedo now provides organizations with the most powerful XML query processing and data virtualization available in an EII platform.

The announcement of XQuery as a standard opens up new possibilities for organizations to gain control over the growing flows of corporate XML data, from contract documents, Web Services, Blogs, RSS feeds and more. Ipedo’s XQuery Views -- a unique data virtualization approach that allows data to be combined without the need to copy, stage, and transform it -- also enables queries across combinations of data from remote XML and relational sources. This unique feature significantly increases access to critical data and content across organizations.

Building on its success in XQuery development, Ipedo XIP now offers the most advanced XML and XQuery processing available on the market, including:

  • Processing of XML Stored in Relational Databases: Ipedo’s XQuery can be used in conjunction with the XML processing and XQuery now available in Oracle 10g, DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server

  • XQuery View Caching: Ipedo XIP allows XQuery Views results to be cached natively in XML, providing both faster access for users, and post-processing and drilldown using XQuery

  • Streaming Result Processing: The new XQuery engine implements query operators that stream data values, ensuring that query evaluation is memory-efficient and allowing clients to cursor through results at the lowest computation costs

  • Publishing of XQuery Views as Web Services: XQuery Views can now be invoked directly via a Web services API, making it easy to create advanced data services; Ipedo XIP can automatically generate the WSDL file needed for a particular XQuery View

  • Extension Mechanisms for Custom Data Sources: In addition to standard data sources, Ipedo’s XQuery extension framework now makes it possible for users to make custom data sources, such as in-house applications accessed using custom APIs

XQuery is a query language that is designed to query collections of XML data. XQuery 1.0 was developed by the XML Query working group of the W3C. The mission of the XML Query project is to provide flexible query facilities to extract data from real and virtual documents on the World Wide Web, therefore finally providing the needed interaction between the Web world and the database world. Ultimately, collections of XML files will be accessed like databases.

In addition to the above features, Ipedo has developed further enhancements to XQuery in Ipedo XIP’s Dual-Core Query Architecture, including access to stored procedures in relational databases with support for parameterization of the XQuery Views that access them, and extended query plan description that will allow deeper drilldown of the steps involved in XQuery execution.

For an example of Ipedo’s XQuery Views, see “Using Ipedo XQuery Views” in Ipedo’s technical blog, The EII Files, available at http://blogs.ipedo.com/the_eii_files/2007/01/the_ipedo_xip_x.html

Pricing and Availability

These enhancements are available immediately for Ipedo XIP version 4.2 on Windows 2000, Windows NT, Sun Solaris, Red Hat Linux, and SuSE Linux. Pricing is on a per-CPU basis.

About Ipedo

Ipedo delivers enterprise information integration software that provides on-demand intelligence to users. Ipedo is available on the Web at http://www.ipedo.com.

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Ipedo, Ipedo XIP and Dual-Core Query Architecture are trademarks of Ipedo. All other products and services mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies.

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