Lumigent Releases Version 6.0 of Audit DB

Latest version features "AuditFlex" architecture and ability to customize data collection methods

Version 6.0 of Audit DB, Lumigent Technologies' database security and auditing software, debuted this week. This latest incarnation of Audit DB now features "AuditFlex" architecture, as well as lets administrators mix and match which data-collection methods they use.

Other database security solutions, according to Lumigent, require users to pick only one of three methods to implement: "capturing traffic as it flows across the network, analyzing log files of actual database transactions, or relying on the database's native auditing capabilities." Audit DB instead allows users to design a method that best fits their policies and requirements.

"For the first time, choosing a system to audit and protect corporate databases no longer comes down to a religious battle over which method of data collection is better, or which one approach will win out over others," said Lumigent CEO Cliff Pollan in a statement. "Instead, Autit DB now gives organizations the freedom to use whichever method is best for a particular system or scenario."

Version 6.0 of Audit DB also features hardware-free network capturing, which the company says will eliminate the need for hardware deployment and maintenance. Additionally, the new version's AuditFlex architecture enables live alerts and change-ticket auditing, as well as other features meant to ensure compliance with regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley.

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