IRI CoSort Version 9
The latest rev features data-conversion capabilities for large LDIF and XML files
Innovative Routines International Inc. last week released version 9 of CoSort, which manipulates and migrates data for Windows, Linux, and Unix.
An important new feature in this latest version, according to the company in a press release, is the capability to "convert, process, protect, or create large files" in either XML or LDIF format.
Often, files in either format are either too large (in the case of XML files) or not used widely enough (in the case of LDIF) to be practical. CoSort remedies this by using its "SortCL" feature to convert between XML files and flat CVS, COBOL, LDIF, and various other mainframe formats. It is also capable of processing up to billions of rows of DAP data.
The result, according to the company, is faster data warehouse operations.
"Vast amounts of valuable data are still processes in legacy file formats," said Don Purnhagen, an IRI senior software engineer, in the release. "New customer-facing applications are being developed using service-oriented architecture [SOA] and driven by data in XML format. CoSort V9 bridges the gap between these disparate technologies, allowing their data to flow both ways."
The CoSort software also features several security features to protect data, including field-level encryption.
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