mValent Releases Application Configuration Management Software for Microsoft Servers

Platform for managing application configuration and change now works with Microsoft Windows server-based application infrastructures

mValent, Inc. today released mValent Integrity for Microsoft Servers for implementing, supporting, and maintaining application infrastructures on Windows server platforms. Integrity optimizes configuration-, change-, and release-management processes for application infrastructure.

mValent Integrity for Microsoft Servers enables IT to manage Web servers, application servers, databases, and middleware. It captures configuration settings for IT assets and monitors them for changes (whether authorized or not) and any provisioning changes to supported assets. mValent Integrity uses Microsoft's Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to collect, distribute, and execute configuration data from Windows application infrastructure assets without using agents.

Capabilities and features include:

  • Support for popular Microsoft servers, including Microsoft Windows Server, Internet Information Services (IIS), SharePoint Server, and SQL Server

  • A dynamic, model-driven approach that performs an in-depth inventory of configuration settings

  • Tools to simplify deployment and enforcement of configuration standards

  • A dashboard that lets users drill-down into configuration changes and track, sort, analyze, and report on those changes

  • Version-control capabilities and a “compare” feature that assists in troubleshooting by thoroughly analyzing if and how configuration settings have deviated from standards; regular report execution can send receive alerts when problems are found

  • Tools to help teams build new application environments, package and deploy configuration changes, and validate that such changes were properly performed

  • Automated audits and reports about application infrastructure changes

The company says customers have reported that using mValent Integrity results in reduced server upgrade time, configuration-related downtime, and increased IT staff productivity.

mValent Integrity can be used alone or with third-party management tools, including “configuration management databases (CMDBs), leading service management systems for closed-loop change management, and application release management tools,” the company said in a statement. The product can be integrated with service management systems, including BMC Remedy and CA Service Desk, for closed-loop change management compliance.

mValent Integrity for Microsoft Servers is available now; more information is available at the company’s Web site:

About the Author

James E. Powell is the former editorial director of Enterprise Strategies (

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