Varonis DataPrivilege 2.5 Lets Data Owners Manage Access Permissions
Delivers increased security and accountability
Varonis Systems Inc. has enhanced its DataPrivilege data-entitlement management software, which lets data owners address all aspects of user-access requests to business information without involving IT, request infrastructure changes, or disrupt business operations.
The responsibility and controls for data access belong with the user, and DataPrivilege's enhancements helps transitioning data permissions from IT departments to the data owner.
“Data entitlement management is currently a manual process for many organizations,” said Chris Christiansen, program vice president for IDC's Security Products and Services, in a Varonis release. “Innovative software solutions like Varonis’ DataPrivilege help IT administrators save a great deal of time by automating this process and cutting down on help-desk calls. Such solutions also put control of the data back into the hands of individuals with direct insight into who should have rightful access -- its business owners.”
The DataPrivilege update enhances permission handling, group membership request processing, entitlement handling, and reporting for audits. Major enhancements include:
Detailed permissions handling lets data users "submit requests to data business owners to access folders or files, which the owners can either grant or deny. Requests are granted by assigning users to a group whose permissions include access to the desired file or folder, or by defining explicit access privilege for that individual to the requested file or folder," the company explains. Granting permissions by an individual user gives that user the flexibility to control access precisely.
Requests for group membership is a new level of request brokering that lets users ask to be added to (or removed from) specific Active Directory user groups; the group owners grant or deny the membership request, add notes about the decision, and can make the membership "live."
"Automatic rules" automate data entitlement processing. For example, a rule can grant read-only permission to all requests for access to a "Finance" folder for one week. Automatic rules can reflect corporate and business policies, providing prompt handling of access requests and greater compliance with business data controls.
Enhanced reporting capabilities include detailed reports that display data entitlement management tasks and participants. Report can be filtered and arranged by primary areas of interest. Administrators can request automatic report e-mail delivery on a user-set schedule or frequency.
“With DataPrivilege, organizations can finally put data access control in the hands of the people who have context for the data,” said Yaki Faitelson, president, CEO and founder of Varonis.
DataPrivilege version 2.5 is available immediately with pricing based on the number of users, starting at $12,800 for 1-500 users. DataPrivilege 2.5 is available to current DataPrivilege customers through the software subscription service.
More information is available at