3Tera Releases AppLogic 2.1

Latest version improves application monitoring and supports appliances with multiple CPUs

The latest version of 3Tera Inc.'s AppLogic grid operating system is now available for current customers.

3Tera calls AppLogic "the first commercial platform designed specifically to enable true utility computing." The product's "disposable infrastructure technology" lets users control their applications via a Web browser, regardless of the current hardware infrastructure at their disposal.

According to 3Tera, version 2.1 features increased scalability and enhanced application monitoring, including the ability to create customized dashboards. It also comes with added support for appliances with multiple CPUs, as well as GUI improvements such as support for balloon connections.

The product "has undergone more testing in beta than any previous release of AppLogic," said Bert Armijo, 3Tera's vice president of marketing and product development, in a statement. "AppLogic 2.1 allows for greater scalability and control of the infrastructure, assuring users of their ability to grow."

3Tera President and COO Peter Nickolov added, "Our latest version provides unprecedented control of applications and virtual private data center management for production environments, allowing Web 2.0 and SaaS companies to grow and self-manage their services using only a browser."

For more information, visit http://www.3tera.com

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