IBM Creates New Centers of Excellence

Help clients launch products safely and in less time

IBM today announced a new global network of nine Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Centers to help customers launch new products in less time by taking advantage of proven business methodologies and software development models.

The Centers of Excellence (CoE) are located in Nice-La Gaude, France; Boeblingen, Germany; Beijing, China; Bangalore and New Dehli, India; Yamato, Japan; Montreal, Canada; and in the United States in Hawthorne, N.Y. and Dallas, Texas.

The CoE’s “lab environment” provides access to IBM experts -- over 3,000 researchers, 9,000 software developers, and 1,000 consulting and technology practitioners. The teams work closely with clients to help integrate the processes and transactions in a product's lifecycle across a PLM community involving partners, suppliers, and customers.

IBM says clients visiting the Centers will have access to a proven set of PLM best practices for new product development initiatives that are “key to a company’s future growth and brand reputation.”

"Our goal is to create a technology infrastructure to support the easy flow of millions of data and graphical transactions typical of our daily design process. Working with IBM's Center of Excellence, we can rely on their expertise to deliver proof-of-concepts that have a high success rate,” said Robert Benoit, vice president of Applications, Bombardier Aerospace, in an IBM statement.

The Centers are supported by IBM, which is says is expanding its commitment to a market segment predicted to reach nearly $80 billion by 2010. Among the PLM-specific offerings currently available at the Centers today are executive workshops, a proof-of-concept factory that can be leveraged by software developers to create industry-specific solutions, and a variety of SOA and Web 2.0 solutions.

More information is available at http://www.

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