OpenSpan Updates Tool to Service-Enable Desktop, Legacy Applications

Accelerates SOA strategies so organizations can gain business advantages sooner

OpenSpan, Inc. has updated its OpenSpan Platform SOA Desktop Edition, which enables rapid integration of desktop, legacy, virtualized, and Internet applications and helps enterprises SOA-enable their enterprise infrastructure more quickly and thus gain SOA’s benefits sooner.

The OpenSpan Platform SOA Desktop Edition allows enterprises to use Web services within legacy applications or business process automation, and service-enable desktop and other legacy applications as well as the business process automation that spans these applications. Enterprises can more quickly roll out Web services and expose application functionality and business process automation as Web services within SOA environments.

OpenSpan Platform SOA Desktop Edition can be used to:

  • Expose business process automations as Web services, rapidly creating automation within or across applications and expose that functionality as a Web service

  • Extend enterprise business process management to the desktop, enabling workflows to call a service on each user’s system that can span all applications, not just Web-based ones

  • Overcome the difficult task of integrating data between virtualized and non-virtualized applications

  • Permit client systems to communicate directly with each other by publishing and invoking services

“OpenSpan can be best described as an SOA-ready development environment that can integrate all the desktop and browser components with Web services and server-based applications to extend the capabilities of SOA directly to the users’ working environment,” writes Robin Bloor, analyst for Hurwitz and Associates, in the white paper SOA and the Last Mile. “It extends SOA to the place where a business process is actually implemented and executed. You can think of the OpenSpan Platform as delivering ‘the last mile’ of SOA.”

More information about OpenSpan can be found at

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