StoredIQ Expands E-Discovery Product to Legacy-Archived Data

Product can now perform data discovery on backup tapes and other "offline" data sources

E-discovery company StoredIQ Inc. has released the StoredIQ Solution for Legacy Archived Media as an extension to the company's existing e-discovery product.

StoredIQ's existing e-discovery product was designed to be an in-house data management appliance for companies that need to find, store, and process data from different "live" sources and across remote offices. It manages the data from sources such as desktops, e-mail servers, collaborative software -- and now, with the StoredIQ Solution for Legacy Archived Media, from "offline" sources such as backup tapes.

"[Federal Rules of Civil Procedure] rules require that enterprises produce any data during the e-discovery process that is relevant and 'readily accessible,' and for almost all large companies, that includes data archived on tapes and other legacy-archived media," said Ursula Talley, vice president of marketing at StoredIQ, in a prepared statement.

Talley called StoredIQ's Solution for Legacy Archived Media "the only e-discovery solution for the enterprise that fully captures legacy-archived media and seamlessly aggregates it with online data that the StoredIQ solution already supports."

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About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.

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