Metaforic to Give Away Free Versions of MySQL, Apache

Versions will be protected by a lightweight edition of the company's MetaFortress anti-tampering solution

Metaforic recently announced that it is giving free copies of MySQL and Apache to enterprises that request it. The copies will be secured with MetaFortress Open, a "lightweight" version of the company's anti-tampering solution.

MetaFortress Open is designed to protect the LAMP stack against attacks that target the weakest point in a server infrastructure, which are often the infrastructure's open source components.

MetaFortress Open guards against these attacks by planting integrity checks into the source code of an application -- checks that the company said can take many years to remove. If deployed, the solution can increase the time it takes for someone to hack into an application by months or years, the company said.

"We are starting with the LAMP stack because there is a critical need for anti-tamper protection there, and it provides organizations with an opportunity to see MetaFortress in action in their environments," said Andrew McLennan, CEO of Metaforic, in a prepared statement. "By delivering MetaFortress Open protected versions of Apache and MySQL, we are showcasing the versatility of our unique anti-tamper and integrity checking technology."

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About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.

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