Talend Integration Suite RTX Provides Real-Time Data Integration Platform

RTX offers seamless information synchronization across information systems

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Talend, an open source data integration software vendor, today released Talend Integration Suite RTX, a new real-time data integration platform for enterprise application integration.

Based on Talend’s enterprise-grade data integration platform (Talend Integration Suite), the new solution helps IT organizations speed data across IT systems. With up-to-the-minute data, customers receive a higher level of data consistency across applications to enable the most informed decision making.

With RTX, companies can save time and money by developing and maintaining data integration processes in a fraction of the time and cost that proprietary technologies require. For online merchants, RTX provides the information necessary to make promotional offers on the fly, based on user behavior, resulting in better-targeted offers with better response rates. RTX also improves customer service by synchronizing and maintaining data from multiple sources so that all stakeholders within an organization can access accurate information.

Fully compatible with projects developed with Talend Integration Suite, RTX features a high-throughput, message-based architecture and integrates seamlessly into service oriented architecture (SOA) and message oriented middleware (MOM) infrastructures.

The SOA management capabilities of the product automate the deployment of integration processes either as data integration services or data services, for complete integration into service oriented architectures. Generation of the WDSL descriptor, UDDI entries, and SOAP binding are automated, and Talend Integration Suite RTX handles the instantiation and management of the resources required (connection pools, integration processes pools, load balancing, failover, and others.)

Talend Integration Suite RTX supports multiple modes of event-based execution for data integration processes: real-time event-based, Web Services invocation, etc. Its event listeners support JMS-based message oriented middleware, enterprise service bus (ESB), as well as remote procedure calls, HTTP, and sockets calls.

Talend Integration Suite RTX leverages Talend’s more than 400 connectors to source and target technologies, including real-time connectors to Web services, MOM, business applications such as Salesforce.com, SAP, SugarCRM, and Microsoft Dynamics. Furthermore, Talend Integration Suite RTX’s Publish & Subscribe Change Data Capture technology allows proactive, real-time detection of changes in data sources, dramatically decreasing the size of the data sets that are processed, which further accelerates the velocity of data.

Talend Integration Suite RTX is available now. Additional information is available at http://www.talend.com.

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