Newest FastScale Composer Suite Helps IT Optimize, Manage, and Deploy Software in Next Generation Data Centers

FastScale Composer Suite 3.0 Enterprise Edition provides new tools for building server software environments with on-the-fly deployment to physical, virtual, and cloud-based infrastructure.

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FastScale Technology, Inc has introduced of FastScale Composer Suite 3.0 Enterprise Edition. The flagship product in FastScale’s integrated family of software platforms and solutions, the new FastScale Composer Suite is the most advanced solution on the market for building, optimizing, managing and deploying server software in physical, virtual and now cloud-based environments.

FastScale Composer Suite 3.0 utilizes a logical server infrastructure that enables system administrators to “build once, deploy anywhere” and provides a standards-based approach to managing server software throughout its lifecycle. With logical servers, administrators can plan, deploy, re-deploy, scale out, and manage server builds in hybrid environments without making changes to the software stack.

FastScale’s patent-pending Application Blueprinting technology allows users to build lightweight logical servers that are up to 95 percent smaller with “just enough operating system” (JeOS) -- automatically. The new release also provides a full spectrum of automated and iterative tools for optimizing traditional software environments. Powerful new analytical and visualization tools enable roles-based Windows and Red Hat server configurations to be specified and easily customized and configured. Rich web-based settings management allows policy-based standardization as well as fine-grained customization of all logical server configurations, both lightweight and traditional.

FastScale Composer Suite 3.0 extends the deployment and management capabilities beyond bare-metal servers and VMware Infrastructure to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The enterprise-class software repository, a key component of FastScale’s management infrastructure, maintains a complete history of all software assets, logical servers, roles, and usage. Software environment deployed to Amazon EC2 can now be managed centrally with robust traceability and reproducibility of the software repository -- FastScale Composer Suite 3.0 provides common infrastructure for managing all physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers.

New features of FastScale Composer Suite 3.0 Enterprise Edition include:

  • Stack optimization tools enable lightweight server builds that are up to 95 percent smaller, inherently more secure, with dramatically reduced memory, processor, and disk usage. For traditional server builds, analytical, and visualization tools enable users to quickly and easily analyze servers by role-based OS profile and then optimize by package group, file type, or directory hierarchy.

  • Intelligent Stack Editor provides a graphical dashboard for easy configuration and customization of optimized logical servers, including complex multi-tiered applications. Files, directories, and packages are easily added or deleted, and dynamic size calculations are visible as logical servers are defined and customized.

  • Robust configuration settings enable policy-based, hierarchical configuration settings to be applied to logical servers or groups of logical servers to customize network information, security policies, environment variables, application configuration files, enable shell scripts, and more.

  • The software repository has been enhanced to support cloud-based deployment and provides centralized version management, tracking, traceability, and reproducibility of all software assets including operating systems, applications, configuration files, patches, logical server specifications, roles, permissions, scripts, metadata, and logs.

  • Dynamic provisioning allows server builds to be deployed on-demand to VMware Infrastructure, the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, or bare metal servers.

FastScale Composer Suite Enterprise Edition is available now and pricing starts at $30,000. For more information, visit

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