Future Point Systems Enhances Visual Information Solutions

New release delivers advanced functionality, simplifies data import, adds one-clickWeb reporting

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Future Point Systems, a visual information system (VIS) solutions provider, has released Starlight VIS 4.1.1 and Starlight XEE 4.1.1, improving collection, analysis, visual representation, and management of massive quantities of heterogeneous, complexly related information.

Starlight Visual Information System provides sophisticated data acquisition, information management, and analysis capabilities. Starlight XML Engineering Environment (XEE) enables the rapid development of custom information retrieval and processing solutions. Together, they retrieve, correlate, and synthesize vast amounts of disparate data, automatically discerning non-obvious and hidden connections and relationships. Starlight then visually depicts the data and relationships in meaningful contexts with intuitive, easy-to-interpret graphical formats or pictures so users can discover vital information, rapidly solve problems, and make highly informed decisions in even the most complex and uncertain situations.

About Starlight VIS and Starlight XEE 4.1.1

The new release includes several major enhancements.

Starlight VIS Flexible Architecture: With version 4.1.1, users can run Starlight either standalone or connected to a Workgroup Server. Starlight VIS includes the features and functionality of the Starlight platform. Starlight VIS now enables users to perform tasks with just the single Starlight VIS application, tasks that previously required a Starlight client, Starlight server, and the XML Engineering Environment (XEE). Users still can connect to a Starlight Workgroup Server for advanced data sharing and to build new data processors with XEE, but those extra components are no longer necessary for the typical user. Starlight VIS greatly simplifies the procurement and installation process while continuing to fulfill the core value proposition of allowing users to seamlessly work with a variety of data types to solve complex problems.

Simplified, Robust Workflow Integration: One of the key differentiators of the Starlight solution is its ability to quickly and easily bring key pieces of data from disparate sources and of various file types into a single analytic environment. In Starlight 4.1.1, we have improved native support for most common data types and have simplified data import data directly into the Starlight application. For example, Starlight 4.1.1 now supports one-step import of PDF documents, along with Microsoft Office documents, including Excel, PowerPoint and Word. By taking advantage of new drag-and-drop capabilities within Starlight, along with simple copy-and-paste tools, users can now ingest and set up data for analysis more quickly.

“One-Click” Web Reporting: Once a high-value problem has been solved, it’s important to get that information rapidly into the hands of key decision-makers who can then act on the intelligence. Starlight seamlessly imports data and provides a compelling, visual-based user interface for analysis. Another important new development in version 4.1.1 is its ability to disseminate key analytical findings via the Web. Once analysts have employed Starlight’s proprietary visual tools to reach valuable conclusions, they can now export those findings in multiple formats with one click to anyone with access to a Web browser. The new Starlight Web dashboard enables dynamic reporting of values, metadata, charts, graphs and other visuals. In addition, Starlight now integrates directly with Google Earth to support reporting of people, events, networks and other key relationships in a geospatial context.

Knowledge Manager: The Starlight Knowledge Manager provides a scratch pad for analysts to use in hypothesis testing. The Knowledge Manager offers a basic environment for semantic analysis, automated link charting, and a storage cache for key information or findings during the problem-solving process. The Knowledge Manager allows analysts to make notes and draw connections both manually and automatically as they work.

More information is available at www.futurepointsystems.com.

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