Security Blanket Automatically Locks Down Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM’s System z

Trusted Computer Solutions software flexibly manages security within large virtual environments

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Trusted Computer Solutions, Inc., a developer of cross-domain and cyber-security solutions, announced that Security Blanket, the company’s automated lock-down solution, is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 operating systems running on IBM System z hardware.

Security Blanket provides mainframe users the ability to centrally manage multiple virtual server configurations, assess their level of security against industry standard security guidelines, and automatically configure their operating systems (OS) to a state of lock down. The virtual servers can be associated with groups based on common functionality or security requirements, making it simple to manage large virtual environments running on System z.

”Organizations today are looking for higher utilization rates, decreased power consumption, and the flexibility to shift capacity on demand,” stated Ed Hammersla, chief operating officer for TCS. “The System z’s advanced virtualization stack, which enables high sustained capacity utilization, is a big draw for organizations seeking a consolidation platform. Security Blanket now provides system administrators in System z environments with a solution that automates the process of securing any number of virtual operating systems to customized or industry standard levels of compliancy.”

TCS engaged in IBM’s Systems Application Advantage for Linux program (a.k.a. Chiphopper) for developing and testing Security Blanket on the System z platform and received official Chiphopper Assurance approval. With the addition of System z, Security Blanket broadens the family of platforms it supports. The solution also runs on x86 (both Linux and Solaris), SPARC, and VMWare vSphere.

More information about Security Blanket is available at

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