Veryant Updates COBOL Application Modernization Tool

Latest isCOBOL release connects business applications to the cloud and relational databases; offers future flexibility

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Veryant today announced a new software release to help businesses develop, deploy, and modernize COBOL applications. The latest version of Veryant’s isCOBOL Application Platform Suite (APS) includes the ability to deploy fully-interactive Web 2.0 applications leveraging existing COBOL skills and add a flexible relational database engine to ISAM files without changing current program code or data.

“Now it is even easier to make COBOL applications and data part of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), mobile cloud computing, and other new service-delivery initiatives,” said Alfredo Iglesias, vice president at Veryant. “Veryant’s latest release uniquely provides cost-effective alternatives that extend the life of existing business investments.”

With this year marking the 50th anniversary of COBOL, many organizations with legacy assets are working to keep COBOL applications relevant in light of new cloud-computing initiatives. isCOBOL Web Direct 2.0, a new product in this release, addresses this challenge by enabling the deployment of universal, zero-client rich Internet applications (RIA) using standard COBOL screen sections and existing program procedure division and flow. isCOBOL Web Direct 2.0 provides an efficient and economic way to deliver mission-critical COBOL applications on demand as part of cloud-based service offerings. No knowledge of object-oriented programming, JavaScript, HTML, or other Web languages is required to implement isCOBOL Web Direct 2.0.

A large percentage of the estimated 200 billion lines of COBOL code in production today use ISAM files rather than relational databases for data storage and access. Although effective for business operations, ISAM files can be cumbersome and costly to query and integrate with new development. Another new product in this release, isCOBOL SQL Server, provides a high-performing relational database engine on top of ISAM files. isCOBOL SQL Server eliminates the need to choose between maintaining ISAM files or moving to a mainstream RDBMS to meet evolving application requirements.

isCOBOL APS blends the optimized, business-oriented nature of COBOL with the openness, portability, and power of the Java platform, without retraining staff or rewriting code. Other new features and enhancements in the latest isCOBOL release include:

  • Enhancements to the Import Wizard and File Designer in the Eclipse-based isCOBOL IDE, enabling smoother transitions to isCOBOL from alternative COBOL platforms

  • Support for dumb terminals and terminal emulators, facilitating the modernization of character-based legacy applications

  • A new Java-based file system connector, allowing the deployment of isCOBOL ISAM Server files in 100 percent pure Java application environments

isCOBOL APS 2009 SP1 is available now; more details area available at

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