Embarcadero DB Optimizer 2.0 Improves, Eases SQL Tuning

Visual SQL Tuning diagrams, index analysis features accelerate expert SQL performance decisions

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Embarcadero, a multi-platform database tools and developer software developer, had added new graphical capabilities to DB Optimizer to make it easier for developers and DBAs to perform SQL profiling and tuning. The new DB Optimizer 2.0 improves SQL tuning by incorporating graphical tools such as the visual SQL tuning (VST) diagram and the index analysis feature that allow developers to quickly understand the components of a SQL query and DBAs to make faster at-a-glance decisions.

“SQL is becoming an essential language for developers, and with assistance from the right tools, they can confidently own more of the SQL performance tuning process to ensure the code they pass to the QA engineer and DBA is fully optimized,” said Greg Nerpouni, senior product manager of developer solutions for Embarcadero. “DB Optimizer 2.0 allows users to tune SQL at an expert level, ultimately maximizing database and application performance.”

DB Optimizer 2.0 takes SQL tuning beyond standard hint injections and SQL rewrites by offering advanced features such as VST diagrams and Index Analysis.

The new VST diagram displays indexes and constraints on tables and views, as well as the joins used in a SQL statement so developers and DBAs can see potential flaws in the schema design such as Cartesian joins, implied Cartesian joins, and many-to-many relationships.

With the new Index Analysis feature, DBAs and developers can fully examine SQL execution paths to better understand which indexes are used, not used, or missing. If an index is missing, DB Optimizer 2.0 offers indexing recommendations for optimum performance.

A video demonstration of new features is available here.

Embarcadero DB Optimizer 2.0 is now available worldwide as a standalone tool or as part of the Embarcadero All-Access tool chest. North American pricing begins at $1,500 per license. More information is available at www.embarcadero.com/products/db_optimizer.

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