Syncsort Announces Data Integration Acceleration Solution

Enables higher return on current data integration implementations -- from in-house, hand-coded solutions to large-scale platforms

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Syncsort has released its Data Integration (DI) Acceleration Solution for existing DI environments. The solution eliminates the performance bottlenecks that cause data latency and enables faster access to information critical to decision making. By easing the cost and effort of delivering information to decision makers, customers are able to more efficiently pursue strategic initiatives around revenue growth, customer acquisition, and retention, cost reduction, and operational efficiency.

The DI Acceleration Solution pairs Syncsort’s high-performance data integration software, DMExpress, with professional services and training specifically tailored to implement techniques and patterns that are optimized to address performance bottlenecks. The Solution exploits the advanced technologies of DMExpress:

  • Algorithm Selection. From a large library of patented, transformation algorithms, DMExpress selects the unique algorithms that most efficiently address a specific performance bottleneck during processing. This library is built on over 40 years of development and thousands of deployments and represents the most comprehensive set of processing approaches available in the marketplace. To ensure optimum performance, these algorithms undergo constant benchmarking, review, and revision.

  • Architecture Exploitation. Because the Solution is resource aware, the solution efficiently leverages the memory, processing power and IO available at execution time. This minimizes the resource footprint and optimizes the use of existing hardware and architecture.

  • Dynamic Optimization. The algorithm selection and architecture exploitation occurs dynamically based on the requirements of the process. This dynamic optimization removes the need for the expensive, time consuming and manual tuning and configuration required under traditional architectures allowing the solution to be developed and deployed in days not months.

These architectural capabilities are unique to DMExpress’s core technology and enable organizations to reduce their time to value by accelerating critical:

  • Business processes such as billing, claims, loan, and Web log/click stream processing; database marketing; customer service; and all forms of business, sales, and financial reporting

  • Strategic enterprise initiatives such as master data management (MDM), customer resource planning (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), business intelligence (BI), data warehousing, mergers and acquisitions, and all forms of data migrations

The traditional approach of adding software licenses and hardware resources has proved costly and does not selectively address problem areas. Similarly, replacing slow tasks with hand-coded programs creates an infrastructure that is complex, difficult to maintain and evolve, and limits reuse among development teams.

In contrast, the supporting technologies and services of the DI Acceleration Solution eliminate data latency by significantly reducing CPU time, elapsed time, and disk I/O activity while utilizing minimal resources on commodity hardware. It also shortens deployment and development timeframes by leveraging a graphical, drag-and-drop development environment.

“Most data integration software on the market today is not optimized for performance. While platforms provide a broad and ever-increasing set of capabilities those capabilities come with an overhead and an architectural complexity that limits the performance of core transformations. These core transformations represent much of most resource intensive workload performed in existing data integration environments,” says Harvey Tessler, senior vice president of marketing at Syncsort. “Only through truly efficient software algorithms can bottlenecks be surgically and cost effectively addressed.”

The DI Acceleration Solution’s unique combination of speed, hardware utilization, and ease of use helps customers meet shrinking batch windows, enables up to 90 percent reduction of hardware cost, and increases productivity over hand-coding by 75 percent. The result is a higher ROI for existing DI environments.

More information is available at

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