UC4 Automated System Copy Benefits SAP Solutions

Drives time and cost of procedure down by 90 percent

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

UC4 Software, a provider of intelligent service automation and IT process optimization solutions, has released UC4 Automated System Copy, a new solution that supports SAP solutions and enables users to automate the system copy procedure related to SAP solutions.

UC4 helps automate the system copy procedure, which is performed periodically to give business users an up-to-date copy of the production environment aligned with quality assurance measures. A typical company may copy its system once or twice a month, which involves manual steps. UC4 Automated System Copy reduces the manual time involved, allowing companies to regain up to a week of productivity a month.

With UC4, system copy can be planned and executed in a parallel mode and manual intervention is kept to a minimum, allowing daily work to continue as normal, saving valuable time, reducing errors, freeing resources, and providing efficient and consistent non-productive systems.

For example, the BDLS transaction used to convert the logical system name can take days. UC4 Automated System Copy reduces that time to a few hours by reading the table information and converting it using parallel processing.

By using UC4’s automation solution, users can increase accountability with central administration and monitoring, and are notified when processes are complete. The solution also enables administrators to schedule workloads across multiple instances of SAP solutions from a single point of control and create reusable system copies, further reducing time and costs. “Making a system copy can be a manually intensive process, and traditional enterprise job schedulers don’t offer any way to automate the process,” said Fred Kohout, chief marketing officer, UC4. “We’ve developed this new solution, which simplifies the process and reduces errors associated with manual tasks in order to help customers gain even greater value from their SAP solution-based systems.”

More information is available at http://www.uc4.com/SAPsystemcopy/.

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