Oco’s New Customer & Sales Management Analytics Helps Companies Drive Profitability

Provides actionable analytics capabilities to help companies improve business performance

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Oco, Inc. announced today its Oco Customer & Sales Management Analytics solution, a business analytics solution that provides companies with a 360-degree view of their customers. Oco’s comprehensive solution provides powerful, next-generation analytics capabilities that move beyond the basic reporting capabilities found in individual systems such as customer relationship management (CRM) solutions.

The Oco Customer & Sales Management Analytics solution’s 360-degree view of the customer incorporates business data from multiple systems: actual revenue and cost from an ERP system, forecast pipeline revenue from a CRM application, internal services metrics from operational sources, and external customer satisfaction scores from a third-party provider. These data sources are integrated into a single data warehouse to provide a comprehensive view of the customer, delivered through interactive dashboards and drillable reports.

The Oco Customer & Sales Management Analytics solution integrates financial, operational, and customer satisfaction data into a single database. The solution offers tools to visualize and interact with the data, including interactive scorecards, what-if dashboards, multi-dimensional reports, and ad hoc analysis tools. It helps companies address three key questions:

  • Which customers should we focus on and what should we sell them?
  • How can we improve the sales team’s performance?
  • How can we improve customer satisfaction and performance?

To answer these questions, Oco has worked with leading authorities on customer profitability to develop eight best-practice analytics that form the basis of the Customer & Sales Management Analytics solution. These analytics include Customer Experience Map, At-Risk Revenue, Customer-Product Profitability Analysis, and Customer-Product Growth Matrix.

"Companies are increasingly focused on growing their way out of the current recession," said Anil Chitkara, senior vice president of market development, Oco, Inc. "They need to convert their vast amounts of data into insightful analytics to understand which customers offer opportunities for growth, which are the least profitable, and where the sales team should be spending its time. Since our solutions are up and running within a matter of weeks, companies can take actions immediately to impact their bottom line within 90 days."

As with all of Oco’s solutions, the Customer & Sales Management Analytics solution is deployed and operational in approximately six to ten weeks. The analytics are presented in different ways and targeted at various organizational roles -- from executives and staff to customers and the extended value chain.

The Oco Customer & Sales Management Analytics solution is configured to each customer’s specific needs and is available today.

More information is available at www.oco-inc.com.

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