Symplified Provides Centralized User Provisioning, Management for Cloud Applications

SinglePoint cloud identity manager automates user account administration for leading applications via

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Symplified, a company specializing in cloud security, has added new user provisioning features to its SinglePoint Cloud security platform so organizations can centralize the management of user accounts for multiple cloud applications from within their firewall or using the platform. SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager integrates with enterprise user directories to automate the creation, provisioning, modification, and de-provisioning of accounts that enable employees to access cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and data. With SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager, organizations can seamlessly extend, enforce, and revoke security permissions to cloud resources based on information contained in their IT infrastructure.

To enable organizations to enforce consistent access control policies on cloud applications, SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager reduces the risk of errors and the administrative burden associated with creating, provisioning, modifying, and de-provisioning user accounts. Through tight integration with existing identity and access control infrastructures including Microsoft Active Directory and, SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager automates much of the manual effort required to manage multiple identity silos across the cloud. By bringing SaaS applications under the control of “inside the firewall” and cloud-based user provisioning and management systems, SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager automates and centralizes complex workflows that occur when users and their access privileges are added or removed from directories.

SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager complements provisioning systems from Oracle, CA, Quest, Identropy and Sun, to secure, audit, and ensure regulatory compliance across multiple cloud applications by:

  • Defining centralized enterprise-level policies governing access rights to applications and data
  • Enabling to be leveraged as a user repository with 24/7 monitoring, redundancy and multiple layers of security protection
  • Providing user management, compliance management, and license management for cloud applications
  • Preventing terminated employees from retaining access to corporate and cloud applications
  • Ensuring appropriate access to applications depending on an employee’s role
  • Extending and automating the de-provisioning process from inside the firewall to Cloud and SaaS apps
  • Generating consistent user access audit logs that give visibility into SaaS application usage

“As organizations increase the number of cloud applications used by their employees, the risk of undetected zombie accounts and over-privileged users rises quickly,” said Eric Olden, Symplified’s founder and CEO. “ SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager takes the pain and complexity out of user provisioning and management for SaaS applications by tying into existing user and policy infrastructures, including, to establish a single point of control for the enterprise and the cloud. By extending identities in for federated single sign-on, access control, and provisioning, we are making it easier for enterprises to migrate gradually to the cloud.”

How it Works

SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager uses the following core components to centralize and automate user provisioning for the Cloud:

  • SinglePoint Identity Manager enables to serve as a hosted carrier-grade user repository service for single sign-on (SSO), authentication, access control policies, and Web experience personalization

  • SinglePoint Cloud Identity Manager provides a provisioning interface for users (self-service password reset, etc.), and administrators (policy management, configuration changes, etc.)

  • SinglePoint Cloud Provisioning Gateway uses the Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) to manage user identity in cloud applications. It can directly manage user identities in a target application or leverage SPML gateways integrated into the SinglePoint platform from partners such as Identropy

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