Astaro Updates Free Astaro Command Center

Version 2.1 of central management tool allows partners to provide managed security services

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Astaro Corporation, a network security vendor, has released version 2.1 of the Astaro Command Center. The new version of the free tool for managing multiple Astaro installations includes updated and new functions that enable Astaro partners to offer managed security services. Additionally, enterprises with multiple installations can use this tool to manage their network security infrastructure.

Version 2.1 of the Astaro Command Center adds the ability to share global definitions across multiple organizations, saving time for managed security service providers -- they can now push configuration objects to multiple locations for use in the security configuration.

The Astaro Command Center is free for all partners who wish to provide managed security services or for end users with multiple Astaro installations across several locations. The central management product is available as software and virtual appliances. Organizations that wish to install the Astaro Command Center an Astaro hardware appliance are charged a small fee for the cost and maintenance of the hardware.

The new features in the Astaro Command Center version 2.1 include organizational unit structuring, global definitions capability, device-based reporting, and aggregated reporting.

For more information on the features included in version 2.1 of the Astaro Command Center visit

To register for a personal license key of the Astaro Command Center version 2.1 visit

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