H5 Introduces H5 EDGE Classifier for Enterprise Information Governance

H5 expands information retrieval system to the enterprise; enables organizations to maximize value of existing technology for more effective information governance

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H5, a provider of automated information retrieval products and services, has introduced H5 EDGE Classifier, the first of its Electronic Data Governance Engine (EDGE) products for the enterprise. Developed in response to the growing market need for more effective information classification technologies, H5 EDGE Classifier helps companies make highly accurate, automated decisions on information using their existing technology infrastructures.

The H5 EDGE Classifier is an information classification application that runs on top of organizations’ information management systems to accurately cull, filter, and classify e-mail and other electronic data to meet information governance goals. Building on H5’s core information retrieval technology, the H5 EDGE Classifier enables companies to leverage their existing technology investments to render highly accurate retain-or-discard decisions and achieve significant reductions in cost and risk.

The H5 EDGE Classifier seamlessly integrates with most information management systems, including enterprise search, content management, archiving, and e-discovery tools and platforms. Features include comprehensive classification rules derived from H5’s extensive library of linguistic models that are customized by information retrieval experts to meet the specific needs of each organization. It also includes technical configurations that enable integration into existing enterprise systems, statistically valid measurement protocols that substantiate performance, and detailed documentation of classification criteria that enables clients to demonstrate that they have utilized a defensible and transparent process.

“Many organizations have invested in enterprise search, archiving, and other technologies in order to better manage information, but the return on these investments cannot be fully realized unless organizations can determine what to retain and what to discard with considerable certainty,” said Nicolas Economou, H5's CEO. “If companies don’t have a method that assures principled, accurate, document-by-document decisions on information, they’re leaving themselves open to substantial risk and cost. Because the H5 EDGE Classifier provides a proven means to achieve accurate assessments, our clients benefit from significant and measurable reductions in data volume and in associated costs and risks.”

As with all of H5’s offerings, the H5 EDGE Classifier is built on the H5 Hi-Q Platform, the core information retrieval development system for creating highly accurate search and classification applications. The Hi-Q Platform incorporates proprietary information retrieval software, relevance definition and linguistic modeling methodology, and calibration and validation software. Originally developed and continually refined by H5’s in-house team of Ph.D. computer scientists, linguists, statisticians, and other information retrieval experts, the H5 Hi-Q Platform has delivered accurate assessments to corporations and law firms for the past 10 years.

H5 EDGE Classifier is available immediately. More information is available at h5.com/pdf/h5-edge-classifier.pdf.

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