Aster Data Advances Analytics for Big Data

nCluster 4.5 speeds analytics for large data sets; integrates integrated visual development platform for SQL and MapReduce Applications

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Aster Data has released Aster Data nCluster 4.5 to help simplify development and management of highly advanced, interactive analytic applications that process extremely large data volumes.

Aster Data’s previous releases made big data analytics possible by allowing analytic applications to run inside Aster Data’s massively parallel database. nCluster 4.5 makes development and management of sophisticated analytics for deep data exploration on massive data volumes fast and easy, allowing richer and deeper business insights.

With enterprise data volumes doubling every 18 months, rich and ultra-fast analysis on tens and hundreds of terabytes to petabytes of data has become a necessity. The MapReduce software framework, popularized by Google, provides a powerful distributed computing solution for advanced analytics on massive data sets. Aster Data integrated MapReduce with SQL in its massively parallel database; in this release, it offers a comprehensive platform for easy and rapid development, deployment, and management of MapReduce-enabled analytic applications.

The continuing data explosion is compelling organizations to rapidly evolve their analytics strategy to deliver rapid and rich analytics on terabytes and petabytes of data. This new generation of analytics requires technology innovations that address the performance, scalability, and complexity challenges of big data analytics. Aster Data led the way in bringing together the fundamental technology innovations needed to make big data analytics possible with the first data-application server -- a data management and applications platform with the performance and scalability of a massively parallel data warehouse, the only solution to deeply integrate MapReduce with SQL for advanced analytics, and the first platform that allows applications to fully run inside the database for fast access to terabytes and petabytes of data.

Key new features of nCluster 4.5 include:

Aster Data Developer Express delivers the first integrated visual environment for developing analytic applications with SQL and MapReduce, and significantly eases development and deployment of MapReduce-enabled applications. It makes it easy to develop, validate, and deploy big data applications through integration with the popular Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE); includes wizards that automate common elements of analytic application development; provides a desktop testing environment for local development and testing; and enables one-click push-down of analytic applications into Aster Data’s nCluster database so applications run inside the database eliminating all latency associated with massive data movement.

Aster Data Analytic Foundation accelerates the development of rich analytics with a powerful suite of reusable building blocks for common analytic functions. These ready-to-use modules have been optimized to take advantage of Aster Data’s SQL-MapReduce framework for fast analytics. The suite of functions is optimized for MapReduce. Example functions include advanced time-series analysis, market basket analysis for advanced analytics in retail, and a range of statistical analysis functions relevant to many industries, in particular financial services companies.

Aster Data Management Console 4.5 is an all-new rich management console that makes it easy to monitor and manage big data and advanced analytic applications with an intuitive interface, providing manageability of the nCluster platform and the applications running inside. The interface provides comprehensive and in-depth visibility into data clusters and application metrics so customers can view and manage analytic applications according to their business priorities.

The addition of support for solid-state storage provides significantly faster data access than traditional physical storage for up to 10x better performance than physical disks. Aster Data’s new next-generation data loader significantly accelerates the movement of data into nCluster with industry-leading throughput for fast data loading.

More information is available at

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