Software AG Introduces NaturalONE: High-Productivity Development and Testing Integrated with SOA and BPM

Delivers application lifecycle capabilities to users of Natural or developers more familiar with Java or COBOL.

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Software AG has released NaturalONE, a new Eclipse-based toolset for enterprise application development. NaturalONE is an integrated development environment (IDE) that lets developers code and test applications (using the Natural language), expose Natural objects as Web services, and create rich Web interfaces for their applications. NaturalONE lets the developer produce applications that support enterprise SOA and BPM and appeal to business users outside the IT group.

NaturalONE delivers a set of application lifecycle capabilities to current users of Natural as well as to developers more familiar with Java or COBOL. Furthermore, NaturalONE can be used to develop applications to run on the mainframe or major platforms such as UNIX, Linux, and Windows. NaturalONE supports Adabas, DB2, Oracle, and other RDBMs on all major platforms.

NaturalONE is designed to appeal to two distinct groups: those who are experienced in using Software AG’s Natural and those familiar with the Eclipse IDE but with little or no Natural experience.

For experienced Natural developers, NaturalONE can help accelerate delivery of new Web-based applications by an estimated 30 percent. NaturalONE includes automatic, interactive testing and debugging tools and allows developers to write, test and, execute programs locally (as well as to their current production server). In addition, NaturalONE lets developers easily leverage existing Natural business logic to create Web services.

Any service available inside or outside an organization can be consumed as a NaturalONE object. NaturalONE also facilitates conversion of existing Natural “green screens” to rich Web interfaces that use Ajax-based technology. The wizard-driven Web-interface creation tools are integrated in Eclipse in a manner that resembles a Natural Editor.

For developers accustomed to the Eclipse IDE but not familiar with Natural, NaturalONE introduces users to the capabilities thousands of Natural developers have come to prefer. From an IT business perspective, NaturalONE helps address skills challenges through cross-training of Java developers to maintain and enhance existing Natural applications. With as little as one week of training, NaturalONE lets skilled developers with no prior Natural experience create and enhance Natural applications.

The NaturalONE development toolset (including a local runtime environment for application testing) is available as a free download at Additional NaturalONE runtime environments for the mainframe or major platforms can be added separately as needed.

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