Stimulsoft Releases Stimulsoft Reports Version 2010.1

Includes reporting tools for .NET, ASP.NET, WPF

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Stimulsoft Company, a manufacturer of software for business intelligence, has released version 2010.1 of Stimulsoft Reports which helps developers be more productive and deliver feature-rich and flexible reports on time.

Stimulsoft Reports is the product line which includes reporting tools for .NET, ASP.NET, WPF:

  • Stimulsoft Reports.Net is used to generate reports from various data sources and can be used in Windows Forms

  • Stimulsoft Reports.Web is the reporting tool for creating reports in Web (ASP.NET) Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf suites is a tool for creating applications on the base of Windows Presentation Foundation technology

  • Stimulsoft Reports Designer.Web is the report designer for Web

Reports are compatible with all Stimulsoft reporting tools. A report created in Stimulsoft Reports.Net can be opened and edited in both Stimulsoft Reports.Web and Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf. The product that includes all these editions is Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate.

Changes and Updates

There are several changes in this new version.  For example, the ability to check a report for problems was added in Stimulsoft Reports. The report checker does not only inform a developer about the errors of compilations but provides multiple recommendations, messages, warnings, and advice about fixing the problems, so the issue can be immediately fixed by some of the ways offered.

Reporting tools can work with business objects. In previous versions, the report generator used a special conversion of business objects to the internal format. That slowed down the process of report rendering and problems appeared when creating complex business objects. In the new version, a new type of item in the data dictionary is introduced: Business Objects.

Stimulsoft Reports completely supports the PDF/A format which is a subset of Adobe PDF and can be used for the long-term archiving of electronic documents.

In the new version of the report generator are over 30 primitives, including lines, arrows, flowcharts, and basic shapes.

In previous versions of Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf, only one theme was available. Now the themes such as Office 2010 White, Office 2010 Blue, Office 2007 Blue, Office 2007 Silver, Office 2007 Black, Office 2003 Blue, Office 2003 Silver, and Office 2003 Olive Green are added. New themes are available both in the report viewer and report designer.

The products now support 25 languages.


Stimulsoft Reports products are available with license for $599,95 per developer seat. The license comes with technical support and free updates for the latest products versions for one year. Pricing of the Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate, including all products of Stimulsoft Reports line, is $1,199 per developer seat.

Additional information on Stimulsoft Reports, as well as documentation, video tutorials and a free evaluation copy of the product is available at

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