Helps Enterprises Analyze Voice Applications

Caller First Analytics integrates BI analytics and reporting with IVR solutions for call data and application performance reporting

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements. has launched its new Caller First Analytics, a fully integrated, drill-down business intelligence analytics reporting capability from MicroStrategy for voice solutions. The analytics enable users to make better decisions and implement improvements based on insight into the performance of voice applications.

Similar to the power of packages such as Google Analytics for Web site performance tracking and performance optimization, Caller First Analytics provides key views, dashboards, reports, and volumes for all IVR and call center activities. With this detailed, easily accessible and customizable information, businesses can analyze data and make iterative changes to enhance the caller experience to achieve business goals such as revenue optimization, cost reduction, and optimal agent resourcing.

The new package provides deep insight into how a voice application is being used, including the most popular customer selections and the most common caller path patterns and hang-up points. Armed with business intelligence, companies can quickly make positive changes to the call flow, contain common call issues with automation to reduce agent load, and increase customer satisfaction by addressing caller needs quickly.

Based on BI solutions from MicroStrategy, Caller First Analytics provides call volume dashboards, performance and voice user interface analysis reports, and call data reports for visually appealing and informative graphs, charts, and information. All reports are customizable into preferred dashboard setup, accessible via the Internet, and configurable based on distribution, export, and access preferences.

As a fully on-demand, cloud based solution, no investment in hardware, software, or staffing is required. Caller First Analytics is integrated directly into’s online Site Builder interface, helping enterprise organizations realize immediate and long-term ROI.

More information is available at

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