Unisys Expands Support for Modernized Applications, Mobile Devices on ClearPath Mainframes

Help users modernize application environments

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Unisys Corporation has enhanced its ClearPath family of mainframe servers. These enhancements are designed to make it easier for clients to modernize application environments and enable workers to access and manage ClearPath systems through smartphones and other end-user devices.

Key enhancements include integrated support and enhanced mobile security for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, support for additional open-source development tools to extend ClearPath applications, and ClearPath Libra Model 750.

"Today's mainframe environments can't be confined to data centers," said Bill Maclean, vice president of ClearPath portfolio management. "They need to extend out to where mobile workers are, supporting transactions on the go."

Release 13.0 of the ClearPath MCP software environment provides support for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, with planned support for additional mobile devices. This feature enhances the utility of the ClearPath ePortal specialty engine, a co-processor that manages Web services and mobile device access.

The new capabilities include dynamic application support, helping to handle mobile workers' frequent logging on and off. Also, MCP provides support for hybrid applications, giving mobile-device users a single, graphical view of data from multiple ClearPath transaction sources and making it easier for IT executives to view and manage system resources remotely.

Unisys also plans an optional help desk service so support representatives can remotely resolve service incidents on mobile devices connected to the ClearPath system.

New mobile security enhancements to MCP include encryption to protect data from being accessed by unauthorized users. Also, support for the Locum RealTime Monitor, from Unisys solution partner Locum Software Services Limited, enables system managers to react quickly to security violations based on data from multiple systems.

Open Development Tool Support

The MCP environment now supports the open-source scripting language PHP to create Web-based applications that can interact with ClearPath DMSII databases.

To accelerate application modernization, ClearPath clients can also take advantage of Unisys Application Advisory Services, which help determine which applications to enable for SOA, wireless, or Web access, which to modernize with enhanced functionality (such as social-media or smartphone access), and which to consolidate on-premises or outsource.

ClearPath Libra Model 750

Based on a Unisys proprietary CMOS processor, the ClearPath Libra Model 750 is designed to accommodate medium-to-large transaction processing environments --especially those requiring continuous availability. It provides a 35 percent improvement in single-processor performance over Libra Models 585/595.

The ClearPath Libra Model 750 provides metering -- a pay-for-use system software licensing capability that enables clients to match IT resources to business requirements and pay for the processing power they use, as they use it.

>For more information, visit www.unisys.com.

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