Network Instruments Helps Enterprises Immediately Assess Application, Cloud Service Performance

Users can work with performance dashboards to resolve problems quickly

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Network Instruments has added updated its Observer performance monitoring platform with new reporting and tracking features to address service delivery and visibility challenges caused by cloud-based and multi-tiered applications.

Observer Reporting Server’s new performance dashboards provide quick and concise displays of mission-critical application and service health. The modules can be configured to present up-to-the-minute updates on VoIP systems, cloud services, application response time, server health, MS Exchange performance, and even URL-based performance reports from service providers. Network, application, and infrastructure metrics can be displayed in context of one another for quick performance assessments.

Douglas Smith, co-founder and president of Network Instruments, said that “With our new performance dashboards, network teams can quickly navigate to expert analysis to pinpoint the cause as internal, their Internet provider, or the cloud service provider. Additionally, when working with third parties, Observer decreases resolution time by providing evidence to rule out variables and pinpoint the actual error.”

In addition to performance dashboards, Observer offers these new features.

  • Selective GigaStor Storage: Ensures compliance when storing packet-level data long term

  • Baseline Drift Elimination: Locks baselines to purge issues of drift from analysis

  • Enhanced Financial Application Support: Tracks trade-level errors and performance statistics whether trade-by-trade or over multiple days

With the newest release, GigaStor retrospective network analysis solutions now provide selective storage capabilities for data compliance and security that can be set to prevent the storage of sensitive payload content such as VoIP calls or PCI data. Network managers can use this functionality to exclude data by application or IP address, and leave performance metrics for the traffic intact.

Smith notes that “GigaStor now provides options for customers to store only what is necessary or required by the organization or government regulations.”

Although baselines are the starting point for establishing performance thresholds and measuring deviation, baseline drift can skew measurements and provide erroneous results. With Observer Reporting Server, users can lock baselines to stop issues from being hidden by baseline drift. In addition, alarms can be set to immediately notify network teams when performance metrics have reached a marginal or critical level.

The latest release includes components designed to specifically benefit financial organizations, which have particular monitoring requirements that differ greatly from other markets. With multi-million-dollar trades occurring every second, financial organizations need extremely detailed analysis. Network Instruments has enhanced the details provided in FIX analysis within GigaStor, allowing network teams to analyze successful and canceled trades, verify the execution price, and more.

The Observer Reporting Server appliance begins at $25,000. The GigaStor with expanded FIX support and selective storage begins at $16,995 for the 2 TB two-port configuration. Additional product information and more details on the Observer performance management platform release are available at

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