Ensim Unify Exchange Manager 2010 Eases Exchange Administration

Update builds on the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 for larger organizations

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Ensim Corporation has released the latest version of Ensim Unify Enterprise Exchange Manager, a software management tool that combines user provisioning with role-based, delegated administration and end-user self-service to form a complete management solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

Using an organization’s existing IT policy, Ensim Unify Exchange Manager allows Exchange system administrators to enable delegated administration of any management functions to help desk, HR personnel, and end-users on a selective basis via an easy-to-use Web-based portal -- everything from mailbox rights delegation and distribution group management to multi-mailbox searches with no administrative level accounts required.

The latest version of Ensim Unify Exchange Manager includes the following features:

  • Support for Auto-Populated Distribution Groups: Simple user interface allows employees to create lists on a self-service basis. Queries are stored to allow users to update the list at selected intervals, keeping lists updated at all times.

  • Manage in the Cloud, On-Premise, or Both: Support for management of on-premise and cloud-based email solutions or a combination of both.

  • Mobile Work Force Enablement: Support for the latest in mobility technologies including Blackberry, iPhone, and Windows Mobile devices.

  • Support for Automated Expiration of Distribution Groups: Allows administrators to configure various maintenance criteria to automate the expiration of groups, including:

    • Time-based: Administrators can set a time-based expiry limit for automatic deletion of the group.

    • Minimum number of group members: Allows administrators to set a minimum membership limit for each group.

    • Last modified or used date: Users can set the idle usage/modification time for groups, allowing the system to delete groups if they are not used or modified within the specified time interval.

    • Maximum number of Distribution Group members: Group administrators can limit the maximum number of allowed members of a Distribution Group and auto-populated Distribution Group.

    • Distribution Group Preview: Allows users to preview the members of Dynamic Distribution Groups, making it significantly easier and faster to build a group of the appropriate size.

    • Name Conventions: Allows users to employ multiple display names/e-mail alias prefixes, while creating new Distribution Groups/auto-populated Dynamic Distribution Groups/Dynamic Distribution Groups.

For more information, visit www.ensim.com.

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