Dexrex Gear’s ChatSync Platform Adds Social Media Data Management

New version helps enterprises manage the capture, archiving, and accessing of real-time textual messages in Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for compliance and e-discovery

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Dexrex Gear has launched version 2.2 of its ChatSync platform, adding increased support of well-known social media platforms and increased customization features for enterprises.

Dexrex Gear 's cloud-based ChatSync message archiving and management platform, which is already compatible with IM clients from companies such as Skype, Yahoo!, AOL, Microsoft, and others, now offers support for messaging and communications from social media communities Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

ChatSync provides enterprises with the ability to capture, store, and manage social media communications in a cloud-based environment for a variety of purposes, from security to FINRA and other regulatory compliance to business intelligence.

The latest iteration of ChatSync also boasts a new API, increasing customization features for partners and original equipment manufacturers addressing the enterprise market.

ChatSync works by capturing and offloading text-based messages via a client plug in proxy or SIP script deployment to a secure and centralized storage platform within the cloud where it is normalized and archived in a structured database to ensure search and retrieval for compliance, e-discovery, and adherence to storage best practices.

ChatSync also uses extensible APIs to plug into users’ devices, messaging clients, or messaging servers. Archived content and metadata can be pushed from the platform to message-powered services like Web access portals, monitoring applications, or compliance tools. The Dexrex Gear architecture enables multiple deployment methods for Dexrex Gear ChatSync, including SaaS, a virtual appliance, and a hardware appliance. Those options enable the solution to run parallel to existing communications systems with no pass-through or single point of failure.

For more information, visit

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