Iron Speed Version 7.0 Generates SharePoint Applications

Support for Microsoft SharePoint speeds application generation and deployment

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Software development tools-maker Iron Speed, Inc. has released Iron Speed Designer Version 7.0, an update to its Web 2.0 application generator. Iron Speed Designer generates rich, interactive database and reporting applications for .NET, Microsoft SharePoint, and the cloud.

In addition to .NET applications, Iron Speed Designer V7.0 generates database-driven SharePoint applications. Generated applications include integrated SharePoint application security and use SharePoint master pages.

“It’s virtually impossible to build database-driven application in SharePoint by hand. Iron Speed Designer V7.0 not only makes this possible, the tool makes it easy,” said Razi Mohiuddin, President, Iron Speed, Inc.

Generated applications include integrated SharePoint application security. SharePoint sites and their groups are used to retrieve security roles. Iron Speed Designer validates the user against a Microsoft SharePoint server on your network by retrieving the logged in user’s credentials from the SharePoint Context.

Iron Speed Designer V7.0 creates SharePoint Solution Packages (WSPs) for easy application deployment. Using the Deployment Wizard, a single application WSP is created and can be deployed to your SharePoint server.

In V7.0, generated applications use SharePoint master pages and contain the same content as other SharePoint pages. Generated applications use the current SharePoint color scheme and display standard SharePoint navigation controls on each page.

Among the new features in this version:

  • Property Sheet Streamlines Configuration: Quickly configure databound code generation tags and ASP.NET controls. Both Iron Speed and .NET properties for the underlying controls can be set in one convenient location.

  • Database Tab: Quickly configure Data Access Layer properties for individual fields. Highlight the database node to configure the connection string prior to deploying to a production server.

  • Formulas Make Calculations Easy. Create calculated fields, conditionally display text, and add custom validation without coding. Formulas can be tied to events, such as initialization, loading, and saving, and can be used in the Query Wizard. They are quicker and easier to use than code customization.

  • Display Multiple Fields in Dropdown Lists: The dropdown list sort order can be customized as well.

Iron Speed Designer Version 7.0 runs on Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 and 2008. It generates .NET Web applications for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Microsoft Access, and MySQL. These applications may be deployed on any machine running the .NET Framework. Iron Speed Designer supports Microsoft SharePoint 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS3).

Additional information about Iron Speed Designer is available at

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