Invincea Debuts with Application Virtualization Threat Protection Solution

Invincea Browser Protection insulates enterprise endpoints from malware, Web and social media exploits

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Invincea, Inc. has marked its entrance into the security market with the Invincea Browser Protection solution. The software protects enterprise PCs against all types of Web-borne threats by moving Web browsers -- the entry point for most malware -- into a virtual environment in a manner that is transparent to users.

Invincea Browser Protection is deployed as a Windows application to desktops to virtualize Internet Explorer, while detecting zero-day, Web-borne malware threats. Invincea Browser Protection does not alter the familiar browser experience of Internet Explorer, so users don't need to learn anything new, forego the customized settings and bookmarks they favor, or stop visiting the social networking sites that are increasingly associated with malware. When in use, Invincea's software detects and terminates threats in real time, captures detailed forensic intelligence about the malicious activity, disposes of the tainted environment and restarts a pristine one.

Invincea Browser Protection uses a virtualization approach to run the browser non-natively as a virtual appliance on the user's desktop. It provides protection over sandboxing solutions, which run the browser natively in the host operating system and do not protect against many types of attacks. Invincea Browser Protection also provides superior protection over firewalls, which allow connections to Web sites that may be compromised. Because it is behavior-based and does not rely on signatures, Invincea protects the user against threats that defeat anti-virus software, which is inherently reactive, can be disabled by malware and isn't good at detecting new malicious code variants.

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