Netuitive Unveils Self-Learning Analytics Platform for IBM Tivoli Shops

Enhanced integration expands access to company’s automated platform for virtualization, cloud management.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Netuitive, Inc. has integrated its self-learning analytics platform for cloud management with IBM Tivoli, a systems management tool for large enterprises.

The enhanced, native integration is aligned with all of Tivoli’s management features and expands the ability of Netuitive to scale to the size of the IBM Tivoli estate. IBM Tivoli customers can now better leverage Netuitive for automated performance and capacity management in virtualized and cloud environments.

Netuitive’s analytics platform uses behavior-learning technology to replace manual, rules-based approaches with automated mathematics that teaches itself about the operational behavior of IT systems and applications. It allows enterprises to plug in and synthesize data streams from existing monitoring sources across silos through Netuitive’s analytics engine in real time. It forecasts issues before they impact performance and isolates root cause wherever a problem occurs.

The result is improved service-level visibility, automated problem diagnostics, and predictive analytics that enable organizations to manage their performance and capacity proactively and end-to-end.

The new, native IBM Tivoli integration joins Netuitive’s portfolio of leading IT monitoring tools already integrated with Netuitive, including solutions from BMC, CA, Compuware, HP, Infovista, Microsoft, NetApp, NetIQ, Oracle, TeamQuest, VMware, and others.

Enterprises running IBM WebSphere on Windows can now leverage Netuitive’s analytics platform to analyze the performance of applications running within WebSphere as well as examining the WebSphere servers themselves. The system monitors operating system metrics as well as what is going on within the backend database.

More information can be found at

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