New Vanguard Configuration Manager Released

New software automates mainframe DISA STIG compliance.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Vanguard Integrity Professionals has released Vanguard Configuration Manager. The new software reduces the cost and time required to test mainframe systems to assess their accordance with the Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guides (DISA STIGs).

Under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidance, U.S. government agencies and contractors with mainframe systems should check that their systems comply with the security configuration controls in the DISA-STIG configuration controls. Vanguard Configuration Manager provides a fully automated baseline configuration scanner for mainframe DISA STIGs.

Configuring a mainframe to comply with the configuration controls in the DISA STIGs can be complex, and testing that the mainframe is properly configured can be time-consuming and sometimes difficult to complete. Individual configuration checks may require that hundreds of thousands of control points be tested to determine compliance. The processes can be so labor-intensive that some organizations have reported how difficult it is to complete testing for compliance with the DISA STIG in the manner required.

Vanguard Configuration Manager makes the process of testing for compliance with the DISA STIGs more automated and more accurate. In just a matter of hours,Vanguard Configuration Manager will test security configuration controls and verify that a mainframe system is in accordance with the DISA STIG. Vanguard Configuration Manager enables organizations to easily move to continuous monitoring from periodic compliance reporting.

For more information, visit

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