SpamTitan Technologies Updates Web Filter

Release 3.50 includes advanced reporting capabilities, real time monitoring dashboard.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

SpamTitan Technologies has updated WebTitan, its Web filtering solution for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Release 3.50 includes a range of enhancements including advanced reporting capabilities and increased management flexibility allowing for data to be shared quickly between IT and the HR department. This version increases reporting capabilities and adds several installation process improvements. All updates and backups are automated, minimizing management overhead.

WebTitan ensures online employee activity is protected from threats and adheres to corporate Internet policies.

“WebTitan’s new advanced reporting capability allows users to access more granular-level reporting,” said Ronan Kavanagh, CEO of SpamTitan Technologies. Users can generate and schedule over 1000 report types, from Web browsing activity by customer or by domain to time spent online or bandwidth consumption.

WebTitan release 3.50 offers increased management flexibility such as the ability to drill down into reports for detailed analysis of data. The reporting delivery options have also been expanded; it is now possible to export reports to PDF format as well as CSV file for further extrapolation.

The new dashboard monitoring function provides customers with an at-a-glance summary of browsing in real-time. The tool allows administrators to quickly determine trends and provide a timely response to any issues.

Available immediately, WebTitan ISO and WebTitan for VMware 3.50 is priced starting at $850. WebTitan licences are banded offering greater flexibility and based on the number of IP addresses accessing the internet concurrently. A free 30-day demo license is available for download at All WebTitan customers with a current license can move to WebTitan 3.50 without charge.

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