CA Mainframe Chorus Solution Helps Control Costs, Increase Productivity and Agility

Helps mainframe platform remain effective and an integral part of an enterprise’s evolving IT infrastructure.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

CA Technologies has released CA Mainframe Chorus and CA Mainframe Chorus for DB2 Database Management. CA Mainframe Chorus simplifies mainframe management, helping this platform continue to be an effective and integral part of an enterprise’s evolving IT infrastructure. It offers management capabilities designed to appeal to the next-generation mainframe staff while offering significant productivity improvements to today’s mainframe experts.

CA Mainframe Chorus helps reduce the time and effort required to securely manage the mainframe environment and enables faster problem resolution and improved service .

The solution’s role-based integrated management workspace, rich data visualization, user interface, and advanced knowledge capture and transfer capabilities improve mainframe management.

Each CA Mainframe Chorus role leverages functionality from the CA software that supports a key management discipline. CA Mainframe Chorus for DB2 Database Management brings together features from seven individual CA tools that support IBM DB2 for z/OS in the unified workspace.

Key benefits specific to CA Mainframe Chorus for DB2 Database Management include:

  • Increasing productivity and faster problem solving via enhanced visualization of data and historical data comparative capabilities.

  • Saving time and money with simplified management of complex DB2 for z/OS workloads.

  • Optimizing DB2 for z/OS performance by proactively monitoring DB2 for z/OS thresholds and alerts, more quickly identifying and resolving DB2 for z/OS bottlenecks, and leveraging displayed historical data to predict trends.

  • Simplifying mentoring of new staff and accelerating the ability to expertly manage DB2 through instant access to decades of DB2 experience and ongoing knowledge management capture and transfer capabilities. Process capture “wizards” help experienced mainframe staff create customized guided workflows for their successors.

  • Collaboration tools facilitate team problem-solving and knowledge transfer.

Features of interest specifically to DBAs include:

  • Time series data graphing for DB2 application performance data helps DBAs automatically track and graph comparative historical data analysis for easier diagnosis and resolution of performance issues.

  • Object Tree navigation and management of DB2 objects improves productivity and visualization when navigating LPAR, subsystems, databases, and other DB2 objects.

  • Alerts on DB2 threshold exceptions provide a launch point for easier troubleshooting, enabling DBAs to focus on priority SLA items and assist new DBAs in learning these skills.

  • Near real-time performance monitoring with graphical displays. DBAs can manage the health of their DB2 system as well as currently executing applications.

CA Mainframe Chorus for DB2 Database Management’s Smart Objects intelligent interface displays information in the context of an operator’s role and current activities.

CA Technologies Mainframe 2.0 management strategy helps organizations to maximize platform value and workforce agility by simplifying its management through integration, automation, and modernization.

More information is available here.

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