ASNA Wings Now Shipping

Modernize green screen user interfaces for System i.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

ASNA announces the availability of ASNA Wings, its latest System i application modernization product. Using IBM's Rational Open Access RPG Edition, Wings lets you modernize green screen user interfaces while keeping all program logic and file I/O on the System i.

IBM's Open Access RPG Edition provides a programming API that lets ILE programs read and write file output from and to specified "handlers." ASNA Wings provides a display file handler to redirect display file output to modernized browser-based alternatives.

Hosted in Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010 and used with ASNA Visual RPG for .NET, VB.NET, or C#, Wings doesn't require any special skills or proprietary components. Wings lets you select what display files you want to modernize. You can select the highest-payoff displays to modernize first. Display files that aren't yet modernized are displayed in Wings' built-in browser-based 5250 emulator.

Wings uses the display file modernization technology from ASNA Monarch. Monarch is an application modernization/migration technology and has been used to migrate millions of lines of RPG, CL, and DDS. Display files modernized with Wings can later be used with ASNA Monarch to migrate your RPG to .NET. The staged modernization/migration possibilities Wings/Monarch offers lets you preserve 100 percent of your green screen modernization investment should you later need to migrate your RPG portfolio to .NET.

For more information, visit

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