Symantec Updates Control Compliance Suite

Client designed to address IT risk and compliance challenges.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Symantec Corp has introduced the next version of Symantec Control Compliance Suite, the company's integrated, fully automated solution designed to address IT risk and compliance challenges. Symantec Control Compliance Suite 10.5 delivers new features and provides support for the latest regulatory and security standards and further enhances its integrated, native assessment capabilities.

The new version of Control Compliance Suite expands upon Symantec's prioritized approach to managing IT risks with built-in support for the new Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) benchmarks and deeper integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention.

Developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), SCAP provides organizations with a standardized approach to writing security checks and reporting on configuration and vulnerability information across multiple vendors' solutions. This common framework facilitates a shared view of IT risks allowing organizations to prioritize and remediate the most important issues found.

Building upon the existing integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention, this release of Control Compliance Suite provides additional capabilities to help organizations manage the risk to their most critical data. Through new workflow integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention, Control Compliance Suite allows organizations to automatically target security awareness training at individuals who have violated data protection policies. Summary pages from these questionnaires deliver an overview of where key security awareness risks are, and have the ability to drill down into more detail to assist in remediation efforts.

Organizations with a truly holistic view of their IT risks routinely gather and report on data from multiple sources, per the IT Policy Compliance Group. Symantec Control Compliance Suite continues to deliver a more comprehensive view of IT risks by simplifying the process of consolidating data from disparate systems across the enterprise and communicating results in powerful, Web-based dashboards.

Previous releases provided the ability to integrate data from Symantec Data Loss Prevention as well as third-party applications such as firewalls, event management systems, and vulnerability management solutions. This data is then brought into pre-defined dashboard panels to provide a more holistic view of IT risks for better decision making. The newest version of Symantec Control Compliance Suite expands upon this capability with new out-of-the-box connectors to automatically collect security awareness survey results from the Symantec Control Compliance Suite Response Assessment Manager. For example, a business unit manager can now view a Symantec Data Loss Prevention policy violation alongside results of who passed security awareness training and information on the compliance posture of servers hosting his most critical data.

To further expand an organization's view of IT risk, future releases of Control Compliance Suite are planned to bring in data from other Symantec solutions, including data on critical vulnerabilities, the latest security threats and real-time file integrity monitoring.

Symantec Control Compliance Suite provides support for PCI 2.0 and the new SCAP benchmarks.

This latest release also broadens technical control assessment capabilities to include Federal Desktop Core Configuration Standard (FDCC) support for desktops and Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) support for Web applications. FDCC helps protect desktops against harmful configuration changes and vulnerabilities while OWASP delivers a technical security standard for web applications by focusing on the top 10 most common vulnerabilities.

Symantec Control Compliance Suite 10.5 is available now. More information is available at

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