Lenovo Releases Secure Cloud Access

Delivery method governs how cloud-based applications interact with end-user devices.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Lenovo has announced Lenovo Secure Cloud Access (SCA) powered by Stoneware's webNetwork, a delivery method that governs the way cloud-based applications interact with end-user devices such as Lenovo Cloud Ready Clients, smartphones, and tablets. SCA gives users access to their Web or local and published Microsoft Windows applications on nearly any device through a browser-based interface that mimics the look and feel of their normal Windows desktop. SCA delivers applications based on the device and adjusts security and performance settings to that device.

SCA allows business organizations to deploy a private/hybrid cloud inside the data center on physical or virtual servers. Users can access the Web-based desktop since it only requires an Internet connection and a Java-enabled browser.

When users access a cloud service from their Cloud Ready Client or from a different device, SCA recognizes situational cues, including the user authentication method, capabilities of the device being used, time of day, location, and network. SCA allocates local- or cloud-based resources based upon these situational cues. If the user is operating a Lenovo Cloud Ready Client, SCA detects the device's capabilities, such as processor performance, free memory, graphics, and available bandwidth and takes advantage of those capabilities to optimize application delivery and end-user experience.

Users have a familiar browsing experience since SCA runs on popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Additionally, the SCA Web-based desktop browser has the same look and feel of a standard browser with a task bar, recent history, and favorites, and the ability to personalize the theme.

SCA delivers security for both users and IT managers with the application and access including support for SSL or VPN access, integration with Active Directory, eDirectory, or LDAP solutions, and the ability to add additional levels of authentication in situations or on devices where authentication doesn't already exist. SCA grants users access to their organizations' applications and print and file resources without permitting any access to the organizations' Intranet.

To further improve single sign-on access and security, a Lenovo Cloud Ready Client with built-in fingerprint reader can complement or replace application unique passwords.

For more information see www.lenovo.com.

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