
September 1998


Enterprise Management – The Next Generation

What’s in store for the future of enterprise management? The focus for the new millennium will be on managing applications and higher-level services, with systems and networks viewed merely as components of the overall applications infrastructure.

ROI or DOA? ERP Deployment Without Workload Management Can Kill the Project

By identifying the need for healthy workload management while in the early stages of enterprise resource planning, corporations can determine their return on investment for migrating to an ERP system.

Fat Clients Get Thinner: Modernize Your Host Access Solution

Organizations look to use the Internet to become more competitive and significantly reduce costs. Web-to-host solutions help modernize the host access method today and provide a framework that allows existing host applications to be a foundation to meet strategic business objectives.

Batch to the Future

Don’t get ready to say “bon voyage!” to batch just yet. For many large companies, the big problem remains of how to deal with a decreasing “batch window,” while the MIPS dedicated to batch is increasing at an alarming rate and leading to batch overrun.

The Internet Meets the Mainframe: Management of 21st Century Mainframe-Centric Networks

At a time when data centers can’t afford the time to manage and maximize a new environment where TCP/IP networks are integrated with standard enterprise-server functionality, companies must determine the network’s current needs as well as future growth, then select a management tool to aid during migration.

The Internet’s Impact on the Role of the Mainframe

The current status of each organization (i.e., where it is in the adoption cycle) will determine which computing model - mainframe-centric, client/server or universal client - will be used. Some companies may have a need for a mixture of all three environments within their corporate IT departments. Find out where you fit and what you need to know.

Countdown to Year 2000: The "Trendy Traps" of the Summer of ’98

Editorial: Eggcellent News for the Mainframe

Parallel Processing with Pl/i

By examining the program from a parallel perspective, application processing time can be cut down. And depending on your needs, either parallel I/O-bound applications or parallel CPU-bound applications may be the solution.

September Industry News

September Inside IBM

Drill Down: Putting Data to Work

Y2K Testing in a Parallel Sysplex

This discussion focuses on the need to continue running a production Sysplex while testing is being performed, as well as what’s new and what’s possible in the field.