
May 2000


Industry News

Web-to-Host Connections: Network Security: Damn the Hackers, Full Speed Ahead

The Importance of the Editorial Component in Executive Information Systems

Until a few years ago, the Information Supply Chain was supported by software. The development and boom of ERP Systems occurred during this time, and as technology advanced, it also became possible to store larger data inventories over a longer period of time to make them available for analysis. To preserve the Information Supply Chain’s information cycle, the gap between the collected information and the enterprise’s employees need for the information had to be closed.

The Real ERP Fast Track: Forget ROI and Go Vanilla!

ERP software packages are as popular as ever, but you might not know it judging by the grumblings of organizations that have implemented the systems. Take heart, there is now a way to purchase and implement ERP systems with minimal frustration.

An Intro to Data Mining Part 2: Analyzing the Tools and Techniques

The conclusion of this two-part series looks at the tools and techniques used in data mining and the issues surrounding implementations.

Your Organization and Technology Are Ready for Success. What About Your Data?

There’s been an evolving consensus about how to gain a competitive advantage in the 21st century. By combining organizational and technical solutions, companies hope to create a streamlined, Web-enabled organization running on integrated information and powered by super information engines. But will it work?

E-Biz 101: A Web-Based Computing Primer

The '80s saw the growth of UNIX servers and the use of TCI/IP, which became an industry standard. In response to servers not adequately scaling to meet the needs of increasing users, some began to shift processing power from centralized servers to the network. The era of client-server computing had begun.

From Edge to Edge: Measuring Performance for E-Business Success

Delivering services via extensive public networks is hard work. Service levels must be established and maintained if customers, a fickle group quite willing to "click out" to a competitor's Web site if they encounter difficulties, are to be retained.

High-Speed Transaction Recovery

If your data is not available, your applications cannot run, and therefore, your company is losing business. Lost business translates into lower profitability and, perhaps, a lower stock valuation for your company. These are all detrimental to the business, so the DBA must do everything to ensure that databases are kept online and operational.

Block Sizes: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

Poor blocking of sequential files can have a significant, yet often hidden, negative impact on batch workloads. Oftentimes a file performs dismally even if the JCL has been coded correctly. This article will examine what causes files to be poorly blocked. It will also show how to quickly and easily identify poorly blocked files and offer suggestions on how to fix them.

Editorial: An Interview with Concord’s Jack Blaeser

Engineering Success: Publishing Host Reports to the Intranet Helps Project Managers Respond Faster

The publication of status reports to the Gannett Fleming intranet gives project managers the opportunity to respond to potential problems up to one week sooner than in the past. A new host report Web publishing software package now automatically publishes the reports to the firm's intranet for immediate viewing by all authorized personnel.

Business Intelligence: Cosmic Bondinis: The Magical Ability to Facilitate the Integration of People and Technology

May Humor

SAP at World Bank : A Practical Guide to Removing Location and Time Constraints from Your ERP Infrastructure

Today's infrastructure needs to be resilient; not just to failures in the computer hardware, but also to the catastrophic failures of computer sites. Fortunately, with the falling equipment and communication costs, the solutions that were cost prohibitive yesterday, are feasible today.

E-Commerce: Surfer, Heal Thyself: Two Cures for a Health-e Environment

High Returns: Multi-Level Command Console Allows Growth Without Increasing Staff

UMB Financial Corp.'s computing and communications systems operate around the clock. The installation of a multi-level command console in UMB's new Technology Center is allowing the IT Command Center staff to handle growth without an increase in personnel.

Inside IBM

"A" Through "ERP": Creating the E-Biz-Enabled Enterprise

The challenge of creating the e-business-enabled enterprise is a primary driver behind the exploding enterprise application integration market. Companies must simplify and automate their operations and extend access to previously internal systems to customers, partners and suppliers. This leads IT managers to the obvious question: "How are we going to do this?"