
6 Top Tech Trends in Enterprise Computing

  • E-Procurement
  • Server Consolidation
  • Streamlining IT
  • Wireless Asset Tracking
  • High-Volume SANs
  • Network Management


Now Playing in IT

Wireless, e-procurement, server consolidation and innovative storage solutions, among others, are examples of emerging and evolving technologies.

Newest Integration Strategy: Wireless

Mobility has become a way of life and work, a fact not lost on wireless vendors as they increasingly target the business applications market. The result is a chaotic grassroots revolution sweeping enterprises, much like the PC revolution of the 1980s and 90s

Test Data: Security Loophole?

It's not always the threat of security breaches from the outside that needs your attention. Sometimes the problem comes from inside your company, and it isn't always intentional.

The Struggle for Interoperability

The development of CIM appears to be taking on momentum.

Getting in Front of Security

From networking intrusion to virus detection, the basic security paradigms really haven't changed much in the past.


Lift Truck 54, Where Are You?

Wireless asset tracking at a DaimlerChrysler body panel plant is saving money and encouraging other plants to roll out the same system.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Using network management software to address the problem of software bloat, Central Maine Power has found a simple, cost-effective way to reduce network management costs statewide to a quarter of what they were.

Clear Skies Over Atlanta

A sophisticated weather system at The Weather Channel is managing a huge stream of data to be channeled from storage to TV, radio, Internet , PDAs and cell phones.

Buy-and-Build E-Procurement Solution

An e-business procurement solution at office-products company Corporate Express results in smooth online transactions for $4 million worth of products a day.

Top Trends in Enterprise Computing

Looking for some new ways that IT departments have made smash hits to their companies' bottom lines? No action super-heroes, no razzle-dazzle special effects hereā€”just real-world projects that drew rave reviews.

Air Force Consolidates Network

Server consolidation in the U.S. Air Force is reducing the sheer number of servers, increasing security, and returning hoards of network admins to their real jobs.

San Diego "Insources" for Efficiency

The city of San Diego's goal is to build private sector accountability and efficiency into the public sector, including IT integration projects.