
HIARC Changes Name to everStor

HIARC Inc. announced has changed its name to everStor Inc.. The name was changed to reflect the company's broadened product line.

Glenn Salley, CEO said in a statement, "When our company was formed, we offered only hierarchical data management and storage solutions. Since then, we have broadened our product line and our market, and we wanted a new name that would reflect that change."

EverStor is a developer and publisher of enterprise-class storage-management software for high data-availability environments. EverStor products are designed for Linux, Sun Solaris Sparc and X86 platforms.

The company's products include: Replicator, which centralizes data replication and archiving; HSM, which transparently manages data and migrates it to secondary media; and jb driver, which is an intelligent robotics driver for controlling tape libraries and optical jukeboxes.

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