
Big Blue's Cognos Acquisition Comes More Clearly Into Focus

IBM is aiming its Information-on-Demand pitch to both IT professionals and business decision-makers

Visual Studio 2008: Collaboration is Key

With Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft's developer-friendly focus continues apace -- with some new wrinkles

Virtual Servers, Real Snapshots

Creating state-consistent point-in-time snapshots is now possible in server virtualization environments

IBM, Sun Make Ambitious "Virtual" Announcements

Virtualization took center stage again last week, as both IBM and Sun unveiled ambitious new virtual offerings

Rogue Trader Highlights Need to Mind Your Controls

In an age of Sarbanes-Oxley and similar regulatory measures, how could a single rogue trader have racked up more than $7 billion in losses?

Using Virtualization for Business Continuity and Availability

Many virtualization strategies can enable business continuity. The right solution depends on your environment and where you want to take it in the future.

CA Reinvigorating its Mainframe Software Line

CA is preparing an innovation infusion for its legacy mainframe software products

Microsoft's Reveals its Virtualization Vision

VMWare might be far out in front, but don't count Microsoft out

The Infrastructure Strikes Back: Virtualizing Everything Else

If server virtualization dominated news in 2007, this year expect a focus on infrastructure virtualization.

A Closer Look: Oracle Acquires BEA

The move seems to have come out of nowhere. What does it all mean?

How Network Configuration Management Improves Compliance and Productivity

How implementing a network configuration management strategy and solution can help effectively manage compliance-related tasks and all configuration changes

Sun's MySQL Move: A Win-Win

Most analysts believe the acquisition benefits both companies and is a signature milestone in Sun's long and painstaking trek back to relevancy.

Is Green IT Falling Drastically Short?

Why the current crop of Green IT initiatives isn't green enough

Reality Check: A Closer Look at System z's Late-2007 Stumble

Were System z's third-quarter shortfalls an aberration or a harbinger of a rough year ahead?

A Primer on Desktop Virtualization Using Thin Clients and Blade PCs

We explain the four major models of remote client solutions on the market today.

Microsoft's Virtualization Strategy Coming Into Focus

Will Microsoft's server virtualization push change the rules of the game?

Big Blue Showcases Big Iron Solaris

Solaris running on the mainframe? It's far from a pipedream.

Enterprise IT: A Look Back, The Trends Ahead

Fasten your seatbelts -- it's going to be a bumpy year.

IBM’s Energy Efficiency Smoking Gun

Industry watchers see Big Blue’s mainframe power efficiency push as a signal event in the longstanding scale-up versus scale-out system wars

IBM Notches .NET-to-J2EE Integration Accord

Industry analysts say the IBM/Mainsoft accord is a Very Good Thing for users of mixed .NET and J2EE environments