Linux/Open Source

Linux Appeal Grows Despite Obstacles

On its tenth anniversay, Linux continues to push into the enterprise

IBM Introduces Linux-Only Mainframe

Runs Linux partitions only

Wyse Rolls Out Linux Thin Client

A response to recent IBM-Neoware alliance

Gartner Gets Grim

Catastrophic attacks and natural disasters

NOAA Calls for Clear Skies

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration sought to accelerate sluggish supercomputer performance. Using Linux, the weather research speeds are now scorching.

Embedded Linux: Is There a Future?

Crystal balls, tarot calls and tea leaves may help determine what lies ahead for Embedded Linux. Or, you could see what several industry experts (who have already consulted their psychic friends) have to say about the embedded landscape in the next five years. Read about cool gadgets, the current foundation for success and what challenges still remain for Embedded Linux in the coming years.