
December 1998


Bell Atlantic On Call: Automating DB2 Operations

Bell Atlantic Mobile automates its backup and recovery process, managing REORGS for DBAs.

Extending the Edge of the Enterprise

Clients, vendors and employees look for fast and reliable remote access to corporations' networks and files while out of the office.

December Industry News

Allen Systems' Acquisitions, FRx Visual Reporting, Sterling / Cisco Partnership, ADIC Sets New Benchmark, OpenConnect Selects Bluestone.

December Response Time

Letters to the Editor.

Evolving Effective Enterprise-Wide Distributed Processing Solutions Using CICS, MQSeries and DB2

A Northern California health maintenance organization creates a clinical data repository to service its 2.5 million members on an MVS mainframe using DB2 and an asynchronous messaging processing paradigm.

The SNA Server Model: Integrating Mainframe Hosts and NT Server Environments

As SNA Server becomes a platform for host integration, it provides a feature/function set that facilitates not only communications between legacy and distributed platforms, but also applications integration.

Inside IBM

Gateway Evolution: Tying the Mainframe to the New Paradigm

By linking mainframe data to new Web-enabled client/server platforms, SNA gateway products let enterprises leverage their investments in legacy systems, while achieving the strategic flexibility of newer platforms like Windows NT.

December Humor

Cow-isms and Y2K Etcha-Sketch.

Thin-Client vs. Fat-Client in the Host Connectivity World

The debate goes on ... and on ... and on. The pros and cons of fat-client PC-to-host and thin-client Web-to-host are explored.

December Countdown to Year 2000

Y2K Makes CLEAN Management Essential.

December Drill Down: I've Been Working in the Warehouse.

Tackling Y2K and JES with OS/EM

Three companies find a potential solution to their Year 2000 and Job Entry Subsystem issues with Trident Services' Operating System/Environment Manager.

Euro Change: American Express Coins its Euro Strategy

The Integration Dilemma: Solving Legacy Application Compatibility

Developing an enterprisewide integration strategy is possibly the most difficult undertaking IS managers face today. But not to fear, there are choices in selecting your integration effort.

Editorial: Silent Passing

An Interview with Paul Morse

Microsoft's SNA Server Product Manager discusses SNA Server 4.0 environment -- it's role in today's enterprise and the future of the product.

SNA Server Case Study

A Y2K conversion for AS/400 Legacy Code, Automatic Data Identification and Analysis.

December Inside IBM

ThinkPad 390, e-business Apps, New G5 Servers, IBM's Netfinity ESCON Adapter, 6400 Printer Line.