How serious is EMC about competing in the mainframe tape space? Take a look at the latest release of its Disk Library for mainframe to see how the company is upping the ante.
The use of proprietary mainframe servers continues to decline -- for everybody but IBM. System z, in fact, is doing just fine. The rest of the mainframe field? Not so much.
Why analysis is an absolute necessity for you to succeed at implementing your cloud computing solution.
IT managers say virtualization makes problem resolution tougher.
Server and Tools president says mission is to cloud-optimize every business.
Company inching closer toward fulling its promise of a public cloud service.
Hyper-V will be part of Microsoft's forthcoming client operating system.
Release for systems management and security tool earlier than expected.
Are we building new information delivery systems for a future that isn't there?
Collaboration happens. The only remaining question is how well it happens and what value your tools add.
A data management expert and a security expert discuss issues created by the increasing sophistication of data thieves, and the lack of adequate attention to security among data managers. First in a two-part series.
Microsoft to support Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) approach for SQL Server APIs.
Forces Microsoft browsers to use Chrome Web browser technologies.
Disagreement over costs of tapping virtualization infrastructure.
IT staff salaries remain flat, but bonuses rise; premiums highest in supply chain and data warehouse environments
Update Rollup 5 for Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 missing Copy/Move Fix for Outlook.
There's a lot of excitement in the BI space in spite of all of the megavendor consolidation. We examine three new offerings.
Bringing search and Web 2.0 into next-generation BI improves user access and the decision-making process.
Most management salaries stagnated or dropped, though bonuses saw a bounce; business-to-business and ERP skills command highest premiums.
Hardware and software not the root cause.
Attacks are getting increasingly complicated -- not just in the technology they use but in the number of parties involved in a single attack.
Remember all the talk about runaway data center electricity consumption? As it turns out, it might have been overblown -- perhaps even alarmist.
Application performance must be evaluated by looking at what your end users experience, not just what dashboards tell you is going on.
With its forthcoming Teradata v14 release, Teradata is going columnar, and that's just for starters.
How can dev/test teams fine-tune the agile development life cycle so they can deliver applications faster?