Trend Micro Announces Enhanced ScanMail at LotuSphere 99

Trend Micro Inc. (Cupertino, Calif.) announced last week at LotuSphere a new Domino Release 5 version of its Lotus Notes virus protection software, ScanMail 2.0. The company also announced plans to support notes on the AS/400 platform.

Version 2.0 of ScanMail is expected to improve Trend Micro's product by elminating redundant file scanning, to increase performance and maximize bandwidth. ScanMail 2.0 also scans encrypted files and potentially "malicious" Notes script. A new Mail Health Check Report is designed to help administrators adjust their Notes configuration settings for optimum bandwidth utilization.

"ScanMail gave us exactly what we wanted -- a centrally managed virus solution," says Ken Robertson, director of IS for Jennie Stuart Medical Center, a community hospital in Hopkinville, Ky. The medical center uses Notes as its central e-mail server and ScanMail to filter all its internal and Internet e-mail. "With ScanMail, we can centrally manage our virus signature files at the server and receive notification of viruses detected, which makes administration a breeze."

Specific performance enhancements in ScanMail 2.0 for Lotus Notes include: Smart Scanning, Incremental Scanning and a multi-threaded architecture. Protection enhancements to the product include: Client Scanner, Notes Script Scanning and an upgraded scan engine.

--L. Greenemeier

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