BEA WebLogic Application Server Now GA for AS/400

BEA Systems Inc. (San Jose, Calif.) has announced the general availability of release 3.1 of the BEA WebLogic Java application server for IBM AS/400e [formerly WebLogic Tengah], its first version that supports the AS/400.

BEA WebLogic for AS/400e allows AS/400 applications to be extended to the Internet via Web browsers (Java applets or HTML), Java client applications and Microsoft desktops such as Visual Basic, Visual C++ or PowerBuilder applications. Existing RPG applications can be incorporated within BEA WebLogic EJB using IBM's AS/400 Toolbox for Java.

The product is designed to allow businesses to extend their AS/400 applications to serve customers across the Internet, business partners over extranets, and employees over large-scale intranets.

"Enterprises are working aggressively to "network-enable" their application portfolios so that information services can be easily extended across intranets, extranets and the Internet," says Alfred Chuang, chief technology officer at BEA Systems Inc. and general manager of the BEA WebXpress division. "IBM and BEA are making this happen through the Java enterprise standards, including the flagship component model, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). These Java industry standards unite Web, database distributed components and existing IBM technologies ranging from DB2 to IBM's SanFrancisco."

The BEA WebLogic application server for the AS/400 can be downloaded from

--D. Callaghan

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